Advanced DDD, CQRS, and Microservices techniques

Designing large-scale systems is hard. While practices like Domain-Driven Design and Command/Query Responsibility Segregation have their place, deciding which of them should be used where, and mapping that to Microservices, leaves many developers and architects uncertain whether they made the right choices.

    Join Udi for a comprehensive and detailed workshop, with plenty of examples, of how to apply these techniques successfully.

    Beyond discussing appropriate technology mappings, this workshop will not involve coding, focusing instead on the higher-level architectural approaches and design patterns for mitigating the common causes of project failures in software projects.

    Who should attend

    This workshop is meant for team leads, solution architects, and technologists who are involved in making decisions about the overall system design of software products and projects.


    • Event-Driven Architecture
    • Microservices & Service-Oriented Architecture
    • Front-end composition techniques
    • Workflow decomposition
    • Entity decomposition
    • CQRS in the context of Business Services
    • Asynchronous command processing approaches
    • Workflow & Front-end techniques for task-based commands
    • Event correlation for back-end workflows
    • 3rd-party integration workflows
    • CRUD entity models
    • Domain models
    Udi Dahan
    Founder of NServiceBus / Particular Software, Particular Software

    Udi Dahan is one of the world’s foremost experts on Service-Oriented Architecture and Domain-Driven Design and also the creator of NServiceBus, the most popular service bus for .NET.

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